• Zener diodes
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  • SOT-323 BAW56W-BAV99W Switching Diodes SOT-323 Switching Diode PackagingSOT-323 Switching Diodes Shipping
    • SOT-323 BAW56W-BAV99W Switching Diodes
    • SOT-323 Switching Diode Packaging
    • SOT-323 Switching Diodes Shipping

    SOT-323 BAW56W-BAV99W Switching Diodes

    • Manufacturer: CTK
    • Product Category: Switching Diodes
    • Package Outline: SOT-323
    • Part Number: BAW56W-BAV99W
    • MPQ: 3000
    Standard Lead Time: 0-2 Weeks
    Shipping Time: 3-40 working days (As your choice & your country)
    Item location: No.3, Chayuan Road 3rd Street, Ailingkan, Dalingshan, Dongguan, Guangdong, China
    Free Samples
    Warranty: 2 Year
    24-Hour Online Service: Solve your product problems and any other issues
    1. Compact Size
    Space-Efficient: The SOT-323 package is small and compact, making it ideal for use in space-constrained applications such as portable and miniaturized devices.
    2. Low Capacitance
    High-Frequency Performance: The low capacitance of SOT-323 diodes allows them to operate efficiently at high frequencies, making them suitable for RF and high-speed switching applications.
    3. Fast Switching Speed
    Quick Response Time: SOT-323 diodes have a fast switching speed, enabling them to rapidly turn on and off, which is crucial for high-speed digital circuits and pulse applications.
    4. Low Forward Voltage Drop
    Efficient Power Consumption: These diodes typically have a low forward voltage drop, which reduces power loss during operation and improves the overall efficiency of the circuit.
    5. High Reliability
    Durability in Various Environments: SOT-323 diodes are designed for high reliability, with the ability to perform consistently in various environmental conditions, including automotive and industrial applications.
    6. Low Reverse Leakage Current
    Reduced Power Waste: The low reverse leakage current helps minimize power loss when the diode is in the reverse-biased state, contributing to the efficiency of power-sensitive circuits.
    7. Good Thermal Performance
    Heat Dissipation: Despite their small size, SOT-323 diodes are designed to handle thermal dissipation effectively, which is important in high-power or high-frequency applications.
    8. Wide Operating Temperature Range
    Versatility: These diodes can operate over a wide temperature range, making them suitable for use in various environmental conditions, from consumer electronics to automotive and industrial systems.
    9. Ease of Integration
    Surface-Mount Technology (SMT): The SOT-323 package is designed for surface-mount technology, allowing easy integration into automated manufacturing processes and dense PCB layouts.
    10. Versatility
    Multiple Applications: Due to their combination of features, SOT-323 diodes can be used in a wide variety of applications, including signal rectification, voltage clamping, protection circuits, and RF tuning.
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