• Zener diodes
  • Switching diodes
  • Schottky diodes
  • Rectifier diodes
  • Fast recovery diodes
  • LL-41 Silicon Planar Power Zener Diodes 12v 10v LL-41 Zener DiodeLL-41 Zener DiodeLL-41 Zener DiodeLL-41 Zener DiodeLL-41 Zener Diode
    • LL-41 Silicon Planar Power Zener Diodes 12v 10v
    • LL-41 Zener Diode
    • LL-41 Zener Diode
    • LL-41 Zener Diode
    • LL-41 Zener Diode
    • LL-41 Zener Diode

    LL-41 Silicon Planar Power Zener Diodes 12v 10v

    Manufacturer: CTK
    Product Category: Zener Diodes
    Package Outline: LL-41
    Part Number: ZM4728A-ZM4761A
    Part Status: Active
    Technology: Standard
    Operating temperature range: -65°C ~ 175°C
    Tolerance accuracy: ±5%
    Pd - Power Dissipation: 1000 mW
    MPQ: 5000


    1. High-temperature stability
    2. Suitable for automated assembly processes
    3. RoHS compliant
    4. REACH compliant
    5. Due to its voltage-stabilizing function, it is widely used in power supply equipment, communication equipment, small appliance control panels, LED lighting, computers, automotive electronics, electronic igniters, DC level shifters, limiting circuits, overvoltage protection circuits, compensation circuits, etc.
    Standard Lead Time: 0-2 Weeks
    Shipping Time: 3-40 working days (As your choice & your country)
    Item location: No.3, Chayuan Road 3rd Street, Ailingkan, Dalingshan, Dongguan, Guangdong, China
    Free Samples
    Warranty: 2 Year
    24-Hour Online Service: Solve your product problems and any other issues
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